


















1. 专业人才:南宁专业康复按摩机构拥有一支高素质的按摩师队伍,他们经过专业培训,具备丰富的临床经验,能够根据消费者的需求提供个性化的康复方案。

2. 独特手法:南宁专业康复按摩融合了中医、西医、运动康复等多种按摩手法,如推拿、拔罐、刮痧、艾灸等,能够有效缓解肌肉疼痛、关节不适等症状。

3. 科技赋能:南宁专业康复按摩机构积极引进先进设备,如智能理疗机器人、超声波治疗仪等,为消费者提供更加精准、高效的康复服务。

4. 全面服务:南宁专业康复按摩机构不仅提供传统的按摩服务,还涵盖产后康复、运动康复、慢性病康复等多个领域,满足消费者多样化的需求。


1. 安全可靠:南宁专业康复按摩机构注重消费者的健康安全,严格筛选按摩师,确保服务过程中的安全性。

2. 效果显著:通过专业康复按摩,消费者可以缓解肌肉疼痛、改善关节活动度、提高免疫力等,达到强身健体的目的。

3. 便捷舒适:南宁专业康复按摩机构遍布城市各个角落,消费者可以方便地选择就近的机构享受服务。

4. 品牌效应:南宁专业康复按摩行业涌现出一批知名品牌,如秀域、长洋中医学府等,为消费者提供优质、专业的康复服务。















1. 减压头疗肩颈/腰臀部SPA推拿:原价298元,团购价198元;
2. 草本热敷药浴泡脚:原价198元,团购价148元;
3. 独立包厢简食养生茶:原价88元,团购价58元;
4. 免费淋浴:享受高品质淋浴服务。



1. 香薰按摩:原价398元,团购价298元;
2. 精油:自家工作室生产的天然精油,零售价128元,团购价98元;
3. 淋浴:享受高品质淋浴服务。



1. 淋巴排毒:原价298元,团购价198元;
2. 专属排毒精油:原价198元,团购价148元;
3. 独立包厢简食养生茶:原价88元,团购价58元;
4. 免费淋浴:享受高品质淋浴服务。



1. 南宁顶级桑拿服务:198元起;
2. 商务宴请与娱乐:298元起;
3. 派都SPA:198元起。







1. 个性化服务:根据客户的需求,提供定制化的按摩方案。无论是舒缓肌肉酸痛,还是放松身心,都能找到适合您的服务。

2. 专业技师:所有按摩师均经过专业培训,持证上岗,具备丰富的按摩经验,确保服务质量。

3. 家居环境:在您家中提供服务,让您在熟悉的环境中放松身心,享受家的温馨。

4. 舒适器材:携带专业的按摩器材,包括按摩床、按摩椅、精油、中草药等,为您打造舒适的按摩体验。

5. 隐私保护:上门服务,确保您的隐私得到充分保护。


1. 中式按摩:运用中医理论,通过按摩手法,调节人体阴阳平衡,达到舒缓疲劳、增强体质的效果。

2. 泰式按摩:结合泰式瑜伽动作,通过拉伸、按压等手法,放松肌肉、缓解疼痛。

3. 足浴:采用中草药泡脚,促进血液循环,缓解脚部疲劳。

4. 精油按摩:选用高品质精油,通过按摩手法,改善皮肤状况,舒缓身心。

5. SPA水疗:利用水疗设备,结合按摩手法,达到放松身心、美容养生的效果。






1. 铭湖经典休闲中心:位于南宁市琅东,紧邻国际大酒店,是一家集洗浴、就餐、按摩娱乐为一体的综合性休闲中心。环境卫生、服务设施齐全,价格公道,交通方便。

2. 弱心苟身歌健康调理中心:位于南宁市上林县振林路,环境优雅,拥有舒适的按摩环境和专业的按摩师。人均花费较高,但服务质量有保障。

3. 春媛按摩养生馆:位于南宁市武鸣区城厢镇红岭大道,主营按摩、日用品零售及信息咨询服务。成立于2017年,口碑良好。

4. 良子按摩院:位于南宁市武鸣区城厢镇大同村,主营按摩服务。成立于2016年,具有丰富的按摩经验。

5. 潘克川按摩中心:位于南宁市武鸣区双桥镇中街,主营按摩服务。成立于2017年,环境舒适,服务周到。


1. 服务专业:南宁的按摩洗澡中心拥有专业的按摩师和技师,能够根据顾客的需求提供个性化的服务。

2. 环境舒适:按摩洗澡中心的环境优雅,装修风格独特,让您在享受服务的同时,感受到放松与舒适。

3. 设施齐全:南宁的按摩洗澡中心设施齐全,包括足疗床、按摩床、汗蒸房、桑拿房、洗澡间等,满足顾客多样化的需求。

4. 价格合理:南宁的按摩洗澡中心价格合理,性价比高,让您在享受高品质服务的同时,不会造成经济负担。


1. 选择正规场所:在选择按摩洗澡中心时,请务必选择正规、有资质的场所,以确保服务质量。

2. 健康安全:在享受按摩洗澡服务时,注意个人卫生,避免交叉感染。

3. 适度消费:合理安排消费,避免过度消费,以免影响正常生活。


It is necessary to know how to cast the magic of the soul-inducing legal person in order to make the soul-inducing coffin play a real role.

Wang Dalang took out a bamboo pole to hold up the coffin, and explained to me that Manchu coffin was the most effective of all.
The driftwood that appears in the river party must be a ghost, but the ghost is just a driftwood form.
Those ghosts who died in this river are likely to be controlled by driftwood ghosts to enhance their physical strength.
The driftwood in this river is so old that it should have killed many people. Preparing a coffin can lead the dead to weaken the power of driftwood.
Wang Dalang put up the guiding banner and erected the floodplain, so he and I returned to Chen Lijia to rest, and we will return to the river again when night falls.
Wang Dalang and I returned to Chen Ligue and Chen Ligue. All the people gathered around and asked Wang Dalang and me if they were ready to deal with driftwood in the river.
Wang Dalang frowned and David Li Chen immediately pronounced it to silence everyone.
David Li Chen let Wang Dalang and I go into the first room to drink water, and then went outside to dismiss the people and tell them that they want to know the result. Don’t disturb the master here as soon as possible.
When everyone left Chen Ligu, it was quiet. Wang Dalang and Chen Ligu rested until five o’clock in the afternoon and went to the river again after dinner.
When he got to the river, Wang Dalang took out a paper man from his satchel and dipped it in cinnabar brush, and took out a belt-like object from his satchel to tie his waist.
I don’t think the surface of the pure black leather is white. What kind of weapon is this Wang Dalang?
Wang Dalang said with a smile that this is the thing at the bottom of his closet, and he wouldn’t have touched it easily if it hadn’t been for David Li’s talk about this driftwood.
I know Wang Dalang well, but it’s only because he makes me greedy that I won’t tell me what the object is now, and I’ll throw Wang Dalang two white eyes and not pick him up.
Night always comes.
Wang Dalang lit the yellow papered paper, then erected three incense sticks on the beach, and then set up a spell next to the coffin, prompting the coffin, and then threw a few paper men at the river, staring at the river.
I clenched my soul-eating whip in my hand and stood ready.
The driftwood in the river didn’t show up at night, as Chen Li and others said.
This situation makes me look at Wang Dalang the same way. I see that Wang Dalang’s eyes are cautious and emotional, and my mood is also pulled up.
As time goes by, there is no change in the river surface, but it overflows from the river, and the cold breath becomes more and more intense.
The floodplain lit incense for five or six times, and Wang Dalang and I carried yellow paper with us to do our best, and the wind began to automatically start.
Wang Dalang told me not to leave him for a while, and when the driftwood appeared, I would continue to urge the evocation spell for a moment, and I would not stop nodding.
At the moment, it’s dark and there are Wang Dalang and me around the beach. It’s so quiet that Wang Dalang and I can hear each other breathing.
In this environment, I am nervous, my palms are sweaty and my eyes are alert.
The wind of the evocation banner automatically circled the river paper, but the driftwood on the river still didn’t show up until then.
Seeing the driftwood on the river made my scalp tingle.
Because ghosts in my eyes are what they looked like when they died, driftwood in my eyes is a magnified drowning person with swollen body facing flat water. The level of driftwood ghost is higher than that of spectre.
The driftwood is definitely like Wang Shu’s saying that there are many ghosts standing there.
Looking at those ghosts soaked in water until they are swollen and dense, they are directly presented to my eyes, and I feel queasy in horror.
Circling the river paper, the driftwood appears, and at that moment, it gathers around the driftwood and keeps spinning around it.
At this moment, the flag face is stretched straight and the ground is 90 degrees.
I clenched the soul-eating whip and began to constantly urge the soul-inducing incantation according to Wang Dalang’s instructions.
Wang Dalang’s brush quickly drew the word "Zhu" on the paper face and threw all the paper people in his hand in the direction of driftwood.
I noticed that when I started to urge the evocation spell, the driftwood was covered with ghosts, and my face turned pale and swollen, and I began to be restless, just like trying to get rid of the driftwood, but I managed to make it ghostly and unstable.
Seeing this situation, I accelerated the evocation spell.
Wang Dalang soon turned his hand to the direction of driftwood.
Paper men circled around the driftwood, and the driftwood stood in a ghostly state, and the driftwood was spinning rapidly on the water surface.
The rapidly rotating driftwood splashed with water and circled around the paper men, who fell into the water one after another.
The driftwood ghost gave a rough smile and stood up from the water.
Chapter one hundred and thirty-one Fight driftwood ghost
The driftwood stood up from the water, but it was the original body. The ghost did not fall like a root.
When the driftwood stands up from the water, I see
Segmented reading 9
It’s not just the driftwood that is exposed in front of the water. His body is full of ghosts. He just sank in the water and behind it is also full of ghosts.
The driftwood ghost’s face is exposed, and the neck is covered with ghosts before and after the body.
The driftwood ghost zoomed in and swelled out of the water, and then the body was stuck before and after, and the ghost of puffiness and puffiness almost blinded me.
If I didn’t have to brace myself to deal with the driftwood ghost at the moment, I would definitely vomit first and then talk about him while running.
Resisting the discomfort caused by visual impact, my mouth kept urging the evocation spell.
I stared at the driftwood standing up from the water and closely watched him move.
Wang Dalang threw a paper man, and all the paper men were splashed by driftwood and hit the water. Those paper men have already sent out.

One is the overlord of the distant horizon, and the other is the close killer …

It’s so simple to choose between two, even a lone wolf, a wild animal with the wisdom of three or four-year-old children, can make its own choices and judgments directly.
So a pair of strange combinations appeared in this uninhabited mountain forest in the afterglow of the sun.
Walking in front of a lone wolf followed by a Tsing Yi teenager …
There is no definite language communication between the two, but they walk towards several hegemonic sites in the mountains with unusual tacit understanding.
In the whole process, except for the occasional unhappy look of Tsing Yi teenagers, it is impossible to see that this is a wilderness mountain forest full of primitive crisis.
I don’t know how long this awe-inspiring and quiet atmosphere lasted until they came to the first mountain forest hegemony territory.
It’s a one-eyed black bear that occupies a huge mountain alone.
There is no doubt that this black bear can shoot with bows and arrows and chop with swords and spears.
The fact is that even modern guns in Pei Wende’s impression may not be able to penetrate the thick body of this black bear.
But such a mighty and domineering black bear has a horrible scar on its left eye.
It seems that the trace of some kind of wild animal’s paws almost completely penetrated the skin and fat of the black bear, leaving a huge scar with deep bones.
And judging from the wound healing marks, that terrible scar seems to have been left not long ago.
Thanks to the bear’s physical vision, it is not as dependent on vision as it is on wild animals, which has not affected its dominance in the jungle.
Otherwise, that injury or near-injury to the left eye will be enough to make it survive this win.
Rao, the hunting ability of black bears has also been greatly affected, so they have to occupy the commanding heights of huge mountains to recuperate.
With this downwind position, the black bear’s sense of smell can be fully exerted, and the hunter and prey can be seen for the first time.
Therefore, when the young lone wolf in Tsing Yi led him to the black bear territory, he made a deterrent roar for the first time, trying to expel the two uninvited guests in this way.
"It seems that I am lucky to find a clue so quickly."
Looking at the black bear’s left eye for a long time, Tsing Yi teenagers don’t think that ordinary hunting can hurt this mountain king overlord like this.
The common prey method has caused such terrible damage to black bears, and the forest overlords often have some tacit understanding and will take the initiative to avoid each other’s hunting places.
In this way, the black bear will be so fatally wounded that it can be said that a new overlord beast has come here.
Only in this way can we explain why predators like black bears are so hurt.
I felt that there was a wave of evil spirit before combining with myself. Tsing Yi teenagers are almost sure that there must be monsters staring at their "chance".
"PSST …"
Thinking about this, the Tsing Yi teenager suddenly spit out a forked snake in his mouth, believing that his body immediately turned into a big snake with a black bear and quite green scales.
The new hegemony war … is about to begin!
Chapter XIV Mandrill
When yin and yang alternate at dusk
Near the burly centennial locust tree deep in Weishan jungle.
After a mysterious exercise and awakening, the pagoda tree that had been a hundred years old has withered, withered and fallen leaves in this midsummer season.
But this doesn’t mean that this century-old pagoda tree is completely dead.
Or to put it another way, the centennial locust tree withering is not "death" but "rebirth" in another sense.
At the cost of one hundred years’ monasticism, the body trunk was regarded as the "placenta" that gave birth to new life, and thus it was called "Mandrill" by Xuanjue.
Although it is not as spiritual as human beings, it still has the most basic nine tricks and vital energy.
It is mandrill’s pursuit to continue to be a conscious plant that can travel freely through the mountains like an animal.
Not to mention that Xuan Jue promised mandrill that he would be able to swallow and absorb Pei Wende’s "earthworm life" and would give it the complete dragon-transforming method.
By that time, Mandrill can get rid of the status of "ghosts" and become one of the most distinguished congenital nine-orifices creatures in the world-dragon like a fish, snake and dragon!
"Dragon …"
The mandrill eyes in the "tree hole" of the trunk of Sophora japonica, which has been curled up for a hundred years, show a look of longing and excitement.
In recent years, Mandrill has never forgotten Xuanjue’s promise to quietly inquire about and observe the Tongqing Temple which stands in Weishan.
According to the information obtained by mandrill, it can be known that Tongqing Temple was originally an almost deserted temple.
Until more than ten years ago, a great Buddhist named "Lingyou" chose to live there, and Pei Wende was the child he had been taking with him.
Considering that Xuan’s explanation at that level is definitely not that simple, mandrill did not rashly choose to act after he first learned this information.

Dayou Epiphyllum caught a large number of hungry ghosts, and suddenly it didn’t react when it was swaying happily. A large piece of yin fire has quickly rushed over and pounced on Dayou Epiphyllum branches.

The big epiphyllum is not slow, the branches flash slightly, and there is no hungry ghost. Those leaves quickly ripple to the shade of fire.
The hag ghost king’s mouth gave out a big smile, and suddenly a formula shot green light forward.
When the green light flashes, the branches of Euonymus japonicus are dotted like a ghost fire at night. Those hungry people who are wrapped in Euonymus japonicus and ready to make snacks turn into bombs, and the Euonymus japonicus leaves suddenly explode.
Boom boom …
There was an earth-shattering explosion in the strange smile of Dayou Nightfork Ghost King Jie Jie. air billow opened the branches of Dayou Epiphyllum, and the leaves of Dayou Epiphyllum were blown to pieces, and the branches of Dayou Epiphyllum were also cut off in large numbers.
The huge tree trunk was also riddled with holes, and the whole Euonymus grandiflora was badly damaged.
On the sidelines, Sun Hao felt a huge shock in the direction of Euonymus grandiflora, and air billow soared into the sky, forming a huge mushroom cloud.
Although it is far away, Sun Hao can feel the powerful momentum of the explosion of Yosemite. He can’t help secretly saying that the Hag Ghost King is going to completely kill Yosemite. Don’t hesitate to take so many hungry ghosts as bait to see if Yosemite is running out of luck today.
That’s what I’m thinking
The petals of the seven big epiphyllum were aimed at the hag, the ghost king, and finally found out that the enemy had started to fight back after being bombed.
The way of fighting back is also very strange. Seven white clouds are tightly wrapped around the middle species, forming a bell mouth aimed at the bell mouth of the Hag Ghost King. A huge species in the bell mouth is shocked like spitting, and it is like a bomb rushing towards the Hag Ghost King.
Jie Jie smiled strangely, and one of the devils in the hag tried to avoid it.
Large species seem to be able to locate, generally dragging a long flame and chasing after them like tails.
The hag ghost king hid for a few times and didn’t escape. The black sea fork in his hand suddenly swung out to the big fork.
Boom, a fork collided with the big seed, and the big seed broke into a terrible noise, and the hag exploded around the ghost king.
The hag ghost king opened his mouth when he turned over and stabilized, and spit out a mass of yin fire to the branches of Euonymus grandiflora in an attempt to burn it out.
However, cuhk’s horn was impolite this time. After gently turning a few horns, it began to spit out the seeds in rapid succession.
Poop, poop, poop.
One after another, dragging their long tails, they rushed at the hag, the ghost king, and there were not more than 30 in an instant.
The hag, the ghost king, got a fright and made a strange call to turn around and fly away.
Sun Haoshuang’s eyes showed that the Hag Ghost King was carrying a large number of bombs, and the Euonymus quickly fled to a distant place, and from time to time, a loud noise broke out and a mushroom cloud rose.
Although it is far away, Sun Hao can still feel the ground shaking gently.
Driving away the hag, the branches and leaves of Dayou Epiphyllum swayed gently, and the pieces were blown up and the leaves of Dayou Epiphyllum flew backwards and stuck to the branches, and rolled into a small reel. Just before Sun Hao’s eyes, the cracks on the surface of the reel were rapidly recovering with the naked eye.
The branches of Epiphyllum grandiflorum also permeated with milky juice and began to treat the wounds caused by injuries and burns.
Corleone wanted to think and dragged the border shepherd out.
A moment later, the shepherd stood up and pointed forward and barked, "Launch, launch, launch successfully …"
A tiny milky juice poof out and attached to a leaf surface of Euonymus grandiflora at a distance.
After a slight shock, Epiphyllum grandiflorum recovered its calm and did not pay much attention to the mucus sticking to its leaves. The mucus flowed down the leaves and gradually penetrated into the cracks in the broken leaves of Epiphyllum grandiflorum.
The guard in Daozhen, an animal town, is powerful. The Hag Ghost King is more powerful than the Ghost Fire. The hungry ghost bombs have failed to do anything about it. On the contrary, those bombs chased the Hag Ghost King to the sky and fled.
The severity can be imagined.
Corleone’s also want to see if gold silkworm’s body will have some effect after entering Dayou Epiphyllum.
The strength of Dayou Epiphyllum is strong and good, but I can see that this guy is as smart as most big monsters, and there is generally no hag, Wang Cong. Since the hag can be designed for him, he can also do it himself.
As expected, Bian Mu sent gold silkworm’s poisonous body to Dayou Epiphyllum.
Powerful trees are also afraid of body worms.
Epiphyllum grandiflorum is harmless and its body juice is strong, and the insects will be directly melted when it enters the body.
Nai Mi Shi gold silkworm’s poisonous body is a rare poisonous insect cultivated by Miao people. After entering it, it has not been completely destroyed. It has tenaciously lived to become a female method and began to absorb nutrients from Euonymus grandiflora and release bugs.
Dayou Epiphyllum feels uncomfortable.
The wound will heal quickly after being attacked by the Hag Ghost King, but it is also difficult for the bug monster to heal with more body.
However, it is not so easy to get rid of the powerful epiphyllum. gold silkworm has launched a tug-of-war with his body.
Euonymus grandiflora has continuously evolved various powerful sap-killing bodies. Except for gold silkworm, it is difficult to kill his body. Most of his bugs were killed after they came out.
And gold silkworm’s poisonous body quickly adapted to the different juices of Euonymus grandiflora, and constantly evolved various kinds of enhanced bugs to enhance the survival rate and attack ability of bugs.
Let’s see who has the stronger evolutionary ability.
In the future, the Hag Ghost King came back more than once and tried to sneak attack on Dayou Epiphyllum. However, every time before the extinct Ghost King approached Dayou Epiphyllum, he found that he was being harassed by bugs. Dayou Epiphyllum vented his anger. Every time, a series of bombs broke out, which drove the Hag Ghost King to fly to the ground.
Chapter 1912 Optimal Epiphyllum Soul
A long-term struggle was waged to destroy gold silkworm’s poisonous epiphyllum and settle down.
What makes gold silkworm extinct is that it can absorb the nutrients from the host and expand itself, and evolve bugs according to the characteristics of the host, which constantly disintegrate the host.
Unless the host can find the body of the extinct gold silkworm and repel it or directly kill it, sooner or later the host will be eaten alive by the extinct gold silkworm.
Dayou Epiphyllum was entangled in the extinct gold silkworm and could not stop for a moment.
Because of weak body wisdom, no hidden body was found. gold silkworm’s poisonous body has gradually slipped into the abyss since then. A few years ago, Euonymus grandiflora was able to attack and kill its own breeding bugs, but the fighting capacity of the bugs became stronger and stronger, and it became more and more adaptable to other environments. After that, Euonymus grandiflora really fell into disaster.
Stubbornly resisted for more than ten years, the leaves of Euonymus grandiflora began to wither, and the trunk began to wither. The huge petals were no longer white, but gradually turned into morbid yellow as if they were contaminated with Asura’s war spirit.
Finally, one day, Sun Hao turned into a big buffalo and suddenly appeared. The big epiphyllum didn’t react as big as the big epiphyllum. The four hoofs suddenly trampled on seven petals, and the big buffalo trampled on them. Jinjiao stabbed the big epiphyllum accurately and mistakenly
The branches of Euonymus grandiflora swayed and struggled desperately, waving the yellow leaves and inspiring the petals to try to wrap the buffalo.

When Nolon opened his eyes, he saw that he was a little tired.

After all, she is just an adult. Even after training hard, Nala is a little breathless after flying for half an hour with more than 100 kilograms of Nolon. Nolon summoned the ice elf. She got some water for Nala, thanked Nala and took the water in the ice bowl and sat on the ground to rest.
After an hour, Nala set off again, and Nolon returned to the tattoo. This time, Ellie didn’t appear. Probably, she was just a little embarrassed. Nolon called for a few words, and Ellie was shy and didn’t come out. He didn’t insist on Nolan’s grand new king backpack. He looked through every prop carefully. He didn’t want to come in and look for it when he needed to make a prop.
Nuolong and Nala took several breaks on the way, and lunch was a new kind called breadfruit and an unknown roasted bird. Finally, they came to Nala’s hometown in the afterglow of sunset.
Ps clean sweet water source ice elf greatly asks readers for collection recommendation!
Chapter 11 Finally arrived at Nala’s house
Nala’s hometown is far away from the front line and close to the Angolan prairie. Although the title of the third regiment of the Beradian Empire’s torrent heavy cavalry regiment is loud, it is actually a logistics office. Only when the torrent heavy cavalry regiment returns from the front line for repair will a large number of sergeants stay. Generally, the number of resident members at this level will not exceed two teams.
The Beradian Empire divided the army into three categories, namely, the torrent ranked first, the rock ranked second, and the last unnamed ordinary army. Every ordinary emperor can enter the torrent or the rock army.
Now that the sun is about to set, Nolon decided to stay at Nala’s house for one night and then go to Torrent’s heavy cavalry camp the next day.
Nala town is a part of Angola’s empire. Nala took me to a large tunnel with a huge statue of the Zerg. She excitedly introduced to me, "Brother Nuolong, this statue carving is our God of the Zerg in Angola, and it is also my belief in the god of war. Angus Twila, the God of War, doesn’t like people’s long praise. He asked his followers to call him Ge or Sir directly, but after the Zerg elders tried their best to persuade each other, the believers all called him Ge of War.
This Nolon knows that it is not the first time for him to come to the Zerg Empire. Although Nolon doesn’t like the appearance of the Zerg and hasn’t played the Zerg profession, he still tries to start the Zerg and do all the things that can be done. There are several chains that require players to go to the Zerg Empire to complete.
Every entrance to the zerg empire is placed with such a statue, and the carved figures are also different. Nala’s hometown believes in Angus Niula, the zerg god of war, so the statue is naturally a mighty god of war pavilion, while the statue carving in the border town of Mara, the zerg weapon god, is naturally a god waving weapons.
Nala guards the passage. The Zerg Temple soldiers salute each other. It can be seen that Nala’s status is very high. Otherwise, the advanced occupation of the Zerg Warrior will not salute him. It seems that the captain Zerg strode towards Noron and Nala. He is also taller than other soldiers. He should have already broken through the temple warrior lv2. He patted Nala’s shoulder and looked at Noron curiously. "Nala won’t introduce me to this Terran friend?"
Although the zerg warrior in this tall temple made a very close gesture, Nala’ shua’ looked up and looked at the front and shouted, "Report to instructor Lacarra, this is Brother Nuolong, a research scholar who came to our Zerg Empire and I invited him to be a guest at home."
Lacarra a pair of language sample (although it is very difficult, but I can still recognize their expressions from the zerg face), he stepped forward and almost put his arm around the pull shoulder.
"That you are my Lacarra bear this small city preparatory warrior training regiment chief instructor to meet the best students but you have not completed the bar mitzvah to become a proud Zerg warrior? Moreover, you are still a relative of the God of War Pavilion, and your status is equal to mine. Although I am glad that you still remember the rules of the Preparatory Committee, I will bully the newcomers with my old qualifications if others see you! "
Nala blushed (the worm is a human being, not a worm, but also has blood circulation) but finally remembered to relax. He deliberately lowered his tone, but it seemed to me that he was being bullied. "Instructor, I didn’t mean that. I …"
Lacarra in distress situation took a few steps back with the wave "come on, come on, you look like this. I’m going to succession. You also take your friends home. Oh, by the way, there’s no bar there? You’re an adult now, too. How can you do without wine when your friends come? Come to me later and get a few jars of good wine and have a good drink with your friends. "
While waving his hand, he entered a passage. Nala kept watching his figure disappear from sight before turning back to Nuolong and saying, "Sorry, Brother Nuolong made you laugh, let’s go."
Nala and Nolon strolled in another passage, which was similar to a mine. He asked Nala curiously, "Nala, you are a god of war. Can’t you see that?" Tell me how you became a god’s relative? "
Nala thought for a while, and then his beautiful girl voice said, "I was twelve years old when I became a god’s relative (the Zerg was fifteen years old). That morning, I was bullied again, and it was almost late for my sister to come back with others."
"My sister’s expression has been very serious since she came back. After dinner, my sister called me to her room and said to me in a special tone,’ Do you want to stop being bullied after that?’
Of course I want to’ young I said without thinking.
My sister clenched her fist as if she had made up her mind,’ Sister Nalalai wants you to believe in Andromeda, the goddess of animal husbandry, like me, and become a guardian soldier for her sister.’
My sister paused for a moment before continuing to say,’ But your talent is as good as your sister’s. Now my sister wants you to sincerely believe in this god of war Angus Twila Pavilion from today and become an excellent temple warrior. This is what my sister gave you. Can you do it?’
I can’ at that time, I was very excited and responded to my sister. This is what my sister expected me to do.
After that, I stopped playing, but took part in the Lacarra instructor soldier reserve group. During the day, I practiced hard according to the instructor’s instructions and prayed earnestly at night. Finally, one day, the Ares Pavilion responded to me and told me that on the day when I decided to believe in him, he just flew over our town and heard my sister talking to me. Since then, the Ares Pavilion has paid attention to me.
Touched by my hard work and piety, the God of War Pavilion accepted me as a relative and told the owner of the temple in our town, that is, the instructor Lacarra. After that, I practiced alone with the instructor every day until the instructor led me and a group of talented children to the Angolan prairie to adapt to the ground environment.
When I first got to the ground, I was dizzy and afraid that I would be eaten by the sky. Some of the children cried with me, but I lived up to the expectations of the God of War Pavilion and spent several days trying to overcome what human beings called the phobia of heaven. After that, I was chosen to go to the Angolan prairie to complete the adult ceremony.
It took me two days to arrive in the Angolan grassland at night after I set out. When I saw Brother Nuolong lying on the ground, I went to see if there was anything I needed to help. You also know Brother Nuolong. "
Well, the process is tortuous, but this is simply the protagonist! I don’t talk about my parents’ death in advance, leaving my sister with amazing talent and strength; After being bullied as a child, I decided to practice hard and met the passing gods; Joining the soldiers’ reserve group, the chief instructor came to this town as a guardian channel, became the temple master, a senior temple warrior, and then became a god as soon as possible.
This is a template for the leading role.
But fortunately, I’m not bad. I have the Titan, the high position, the goddess of fate, Alice Philo, and this super gold finger. Although she is still growing up, I don’t know if there is a god tattoo that integrates the game system. If my god tattoo really integrates the game system and can experience to upgrade, then I will grow up at an unexpected speed. Nolon silently thought.
Of course, Nolon should first quietly develop a high profile, and don’t pretend to be a pig and eat tigers, but he can’t eat tigers yet.
Nuolong asked Nala all the way. Some games didn’t express the living habits of the Angolan Zerg. Soon they came to the gate of Nala town.
Zerg soldiers in front of the town saluted Nala, and they also gave a quick salute. There is no day and night in the underground empire, and the thick surface blocks the sun’s irradiation. The world makes a special fungus called fluorescent bacteria that grows in the first place emit light. This is a kind of local fungus that will die when it receives sunlight. There are some dark caves on the surface where it is located, and only a small amount of this fungus is born.
According to the brightness of the fluorescent bacteria, the fluorescent bacteria will emit brighter light at the earliest time, which is why residents go out to work. Then the brightness of the light will gradually increase. When the light is the strongest, the brightness of a large number of fluorescent bacteria is very comparable. After the sun in the morning, the brightness of fluorescent bacteria will gradually decrease until it is invisible. This is the time for residents to rest.
Now the brightness of fluorescent bacteria is very small. Nala and I are completely different in this style of human town. Zerg towns are full of round houses with Zerg characteristics. There is no flaw in their academic status. Nuolong Zhuang is delighted to approach a Zerg house and observe it carefully.
It should be that ordinary Zerg houses are the most numerous styles in the town, but the light is too dim for Nolon to see clearly, so he gave up.
Nala took him on his way to a human-style military camp, which should be the place where the human army was stationed. Nolon secretly remembered this place and decided to officially visit the day according to the mage etiquette.
He and Nala walked for about ten minutes and appeared in front of Nuolong. It was a Zerg villa about three stories high. Nala excitedly shouted, "Sister, sister, I finished my bar mitzvah, which is the highest level. I also met human guests with my way back."
Chapter 12 Sister Nora and Sister Angie
Hearing Nora’s call, Nolon’s front door quickly hit a yellow figure and quickly jumped on Nora and held him in her arms.
"Oh, my lovely brother Nala, let Sister Angie see if you are injured when you go out this time."
This is a typical Angola worm secret mage. Only they can have a yellow carapace. If Nolon didn’t guess wrong, she should be the secret mage of the temple who was torn in half in front of Nala.
Do you think it’s very corny that all advanced classes of Zerg need to add temples before? This is actually the case. The Zerg is a racial group. Although there is no obstacle to communication between different classes, there will never be a level of refutation when it comes to work.
In the eyes of the Zerg, if you have the ability to refute the level, you can become a level instead of obeying the level command. Even though the temple profession is more than the general profession, the temple is where the Zerg stands. It seems to the Zerg that all advanced professions are full of glory by adding the word temple before their names.
But then again, Nolon’s advanced class also added Titan in front of the mage.
Nala struggled against this lady named Anqi Bug, whose hands were shy, and his face was flushed, so he didn’t bother them. Nolon was quietly at a distance.
"Hello, human friend, you are the guest brought back by Nala. Please come in."
From this villa, another owner, the reddish Beetle, came out, and the reddish carapace was inlaid with crimson gems at the festival, which proved that she was Sister Nala, and now she is the advanced professional temple fire warlock Viona.
"You are the sister EU ona? Nala told me about you. He said that you are a beautiful and powerful flame warlock who loves and cares for him. He is your brother Rong. "
Flattery, of course, is what every lady likes to hear. What’s worse, in front of a brother, she told her how much her brother likes her. Viona’s eyes lit up. She came over with a smile and enthusiastically took Nolon’s hand and walked into the villa instead of greeting him at the door as just now.
Nolon followed Fiona into the villa and took one look at the fact that she didn’t know when she was blessed. Nala tried to avoid Angie’s "salty pig hand" and sighed that she was still a child. She was overwhelmed when she faced the powerful royal elder sister.
Of course he won’t bother them without winking. Didn’t you see that Viona, the younger brother, didn’t say anything? It seems that she doesn’t mind her brother eating some benefits. It’s a pity that Angie didn’t make a good result with Nora until thirteen years later.
After entering the villa, Nuolong found that the layout of the villa was no different from that of a human three-story villa. In fact, except for some special races, most of the buildings of other races had different shapes and structures, and they were almost built in a style that adapted to the racial body shape.
Of course, since it is adapted to the racial body shape, it will be different. For example, in front of Nuolong, this chair with wooden thorns is covered with carapace. This chair with wooden thorns is comfortable for them to sit on, but it is a horrible torture device for human beings.
Viona also saw that it was wrong. She quickly showed Nolon a high magic skill. She swept the flame across the surface of the chair and removed all the wooden thorns without damaging the structure of the chair. She sat opposite the chair and motioned for him to sit.
Not long after Nolon just sat down, Viola thanked him for Nala. "Hello, although you know my name, I’d like to introduce myself-I’m Viola. Rondo Crass is a fire warlock. Thanks to you for taking care of my immature brother, I’m here to thank you on his behalf."